Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Some More Kids' Sports Photos: Jack, Noah, and Zoe...

Photos taken September 27, 2008

My nephew Jack in deep contemplation while on the bench and then playing some tenacious D on the basketball court.
Photos taken October 4, 2008

My niece Zoe playing volleyball. I couldn't get any good action shots because of the lighting in the gym.
Photos taken October 30, 2008

My nephew Noah and his friend Nate playing street hoops near Clackamas Aquatic Park.
I still need to get some good shots of my niece Haley...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some Pics From My Road Trip: Part 3

These photos are from August 29 to September 1, 2008

Montezuma Castle in Arizona. It was pretty cool.

Me at Meteor Crater, Arizona. I look very nerdy.

The VLA (Very Large Array) in New Mexico. You may remember it from such movies as "Contact" and "2010." Aside from the Grand Canyon, this was my favorite place that I visited.

Some cows in the fields near the VLA (radio telescopes in the background).

An alien autopsy display at the UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell was basically a Third World country with one nice UFO-themed main street for the tourists.

A lizard I saw at a rest stop in New Mexico.

Bottomless Lakes near Roswell, New Mexico.

Me somehow standing diagnally at Bottomless Lakes.

Some kind of giant vulture flying over Bottomless Lakes. I'm surprised the photo turned out this clearly!

Some Pics From My Road Trip: Part 2

These photos are from August 23 to August 28, 2008

Lake Mead, Nevada from a viewpoint near Hoover Dam.

My camp at Lake Mead, Nevada.

Hoover Dam. It was hard to capture the whole thing in one shot with my little camera.

This is a mountain goat I saw at Hoover Dam.

I saw this deer on the side of the road near the Grand Canyon.

I saw this warning sign at the beginning of the Bright Angel Trail at the Grand Canyon. It basically says that the woman picture died from heat exhaustion even though she was a great athlete. I only went 3.5 miles down (and 3.5 miles back up), so I didn't have to worry too much about dying from heat and/or thirst.

I took a picture of myself on the Bright Angel Trail about halfway to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

A group of tourists on a horseback tour.

A Grand Canyon squirrel nibbling on some litter.

Some Pics From My Road Trip: Part 1

On August 16th of 2008, I went on a lone three week road trip. I lived out of my car and camped the whole way, staying only twice at a motel. Starting from West Linn, OR, I visited the Oregon Sand Dunes, Crater Lake (but it was too foggy to see anything), Yosemite, Death Valley, Lake Mead/Hoover Dam, The Grand Canyon in Arizona, Montezuma Castle ruins, Meteor Crater, the VLA in New Mexico, and Roswell.
These photos are from August 16 to August 22, 2008

This is me at the Oregon Sand Dunes.

Tuolumne Meadows on the outskirts of Yosemite.

Welcome to Death Valley.

No kidding! It was 117 degrees F that day!

I would have taken more photos of Death Valley but it was too hot so I didn't stick around for very long!

I saw this coyote on the grounds of Scotty's Castle on the outskirts of Death Valley. He seemed really nice--just like a dog.

I saw this "Angel's Ladies Brothel" billboard off the highway not long after entering Nevada. I'm not sure how that plane got there!

Here's where all the action happens! This is as close as I got.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby Wil Scores a Goal!

I just wanted to put up this photo I took of my nephew, Wil, right before he scored a goal in his first soccer game. He is seven years old and has just started the 2nd grade. I may be biased, but I think he was the star of the game.